Rest in Peace, Jeff

 If we had any, it was requested that we wear something orange. I took that to mean orange was Jeff's favorite color. Much to my loss, I can't say that for sure, but it seems likely. 

Jeff Einbund, much to my regret, was a part of my younger years, a part that just did not continue forward from those years. He was one of the guys from the old neighborhood, at a time when the old neighborhood was still known as Sepulveda. His name is one of those immortalized by being written on "the softball," the year we won the annual 6th grade school softball championship. Jeff lived on the Jr. High border, and went to the other one, but three years later we were back at the same high school. By then, though, our circle of friends had largely rolled in different directions. It happens. It is life. Different interests, different passions, and the next thing you know years have passed.

To be absolutely honest, I had no reason to think about Jeff in decades, maybe only when I got the old high school yearbook out, and then flipping through the pages... "I remember that guy. Only two dudes had a bigger head of hair than me, and he was one of them." 

Then came Facebook, and I would see Jeff's name pop up on the feed of a mutual friend, Tracy, another guy from the old neighborhood. They'd jokingly call each other "phucker," and it was always good for a laugh. I guess I have always compartmentalized my life, and relationships from one phase have rarely moved on to the next; it is a regret of mine, but nonetheless, I have always been stoked by the lifelong friendships others have been able to maintain.

A few years ago, that softball turned up when we were cleaning out the old house following moms' death. My brother said I should show it to Jeff, that he would get a kick out of it after all this time. I was taken aback, surprised - "wait a minute, how do you know Jeff?" I asked him, "you're two years behind us." Robb said that he was still in contact with him from time to time, or via another mutual friend from the old neighborhood, Danny. Jeff was a car guy, and did custom builds. Robb asked Jeff if he would build him another custom motorcycle. Jeff had to decline, citing the physical demands that his body just couldn't take anymore. Brother said we should consider ourselves lucky to be in good health. True enough.

Late last year Jeff let it be known that the big C had found him, and that he would be starting chemo to start the new year. It was too late, and a week ago we found out that cancer had taken another. Phuck Cancer! There is something different when someone from our own generation passes, someone from our youth, someone from our old neighborhood. Maybe it is the severing of another of the strands in our lives that ties us to our past, our formative years. Maybe it is that such a loss makes our own mortality that much more real. I don't know, I guess it may be different for everyone. I do know that good friendships are hard to come by and, even a "loner" like myself knows they are something to be treasured.

Rest in Peace, Jeff. I know you'll be missed by many!
Oh, and Phuck Cancer!
