Fast Digs: Nothing Comes Close


You know how you have always wanted to be able to talk shop (shop meaning bicycle racing history) with your coworker in the next cubicle over? You know how you've always wanted to strike up a conversation with the cute gal in line at the grocery, the one who wears that shirt that says cycling chics love history (🤷), but could never think of an appropriate opening line?

Well, I've got the answer to those problems, and many more - Fast Digs, volumes one and two. In fact combined, they are the only place to find the information you need. That's right, you will not find it anywhere else, that is unless you find pleasure in going through page after page of old newspapers and such.

I can, almost, guarantee that neither volume will arrive in your hands having been slobbered on, or dog-chewed and, perhaps, best of all Blurb will give you an extra 20% off the price of what is already a great bargain at any price - all you need to do is make your selection (here), order before the end of 18 January, and enter the code ALL20. 

That's it, read up and ride on!
