Someone Did a Number

 Yeah, someone did a number on the Figgy Forest alright, and I don't know why. Who would do such a thing? And to what end? Unless paws can grasp saw handles, I am confident it wasn't Bear. Maybe someone who doesn't want Bear around did it - you know, take away his food source and he'll go away type of reasoning. I thought, probably not. I thought maybe the people who own the unnecessarily large house on the hill above did it; possibly, but probably not. I thought of the various trail users hikers, runners, bikers, equestrians. I couldn't imagine any of the first three - the shade in there on hot days is quite welcoming. I thought maybe some equestrians since they sit up higher, maybe the overhanging branches hit them in the head and poke at their eyes. Who knows who did it, all that matters is that someone did - did a number on the Figgy Forest.

The trail runners were out early today, though so was I; soon enough our paths diverged, I waved and turned away, eyeing the end of the dam, the Heights Trail beyond. The sun not the moon, shining through, white, washed of color.

"There is a lake between sun and moon
Not too many know about
In the silence between whisper and shout
The space between wonder and doubt

This is a fine place
Shining face to face
Those bonfire lights in the mirror of sky
The space between wonder and why..."
(Lifeson, Lee, Peart, Dubois)

Loping along the Heights, a space between sun and moon, between earth and sky. At the end, Cucamonga Canyon, Coyote waited, hiding, wary but curious, not running away, turning back to peak around to see who else is loping along this rocky, sandy ground. Shining eye, sly grin, a few portraits granted and then disappear. 

Turning the wheels south now where the trail turns rockier, sandier; letting the wheels roll their way, down the wash, into the city, finding the way back home. But first, a little more dirt, circling the Farm, stopping to visit the new residents - Margo (Black Australorp), Miss Lady (Black Star), and camera-shy Wynonna (Silver-Laced Wyandotte) who tried to hide under a board.
