Shake, Rattle and Roll

Shake: The workers of the wash continue their fence work operations, most recently clearing brush from along this little side channel at the winch, and replacing the fabric with nice new stuff. Anyway, they also uncovered a heavy solid steel trap door. Since it is not in a direct line between winch and channel my curiosity was piqued and I gave it a good shake before realizing that the chain and old padlocks weren't really doing any good and threaded the chain out through the loop. It didn't matter - the door is Heavy, man, Heavy!

Rattle: There I was, charging down this, my favorite section of road in the Spreading Grounds - my preference is the left track. Sometimes there is a walker occupying that left track, but this time I found a little stick-like thing stretched across it; a quick swerve across the median kept us both safe. Not a particularly large rattler, but I figure he's still got some time to grow.

Roll: I never fail to be amazed just how often I find the perfect sized rocks to fit, and lodge themselves, in the tread as I roll along. Equally surprising - they fit so tightly that they don't fly off, even when knocking against the frame with each rotation.

"... I said shake, rattle and roll, Shake, rattle and roll
Well you won't do nothin' to save your doggone soul."

The weekend has arrived, and just in time - It is going to be a hot one, but that doesn't mean you can't get out and see what there is to see.
