Monday Blues: Protected

I had a different Monday Blues planned for today, one that was more humorous than serious. But then riding home from an easy Sunday morning loop I noticed this:

Clearly someone drove along the wrong side of the curb, flattening shrubs as they went before skidding to a stop in the dirt and mulch. It looked like they continued forward a little more, perhaps, deciding that backing up and getting out was the better choice. "Protected" bike lane; well, maybe protected most of the time is the best we can hope for. Everyone will have their guess as to what happened here - willful destruction? drunken stupor? medical emergency? accidental driver error? Take your pick; what ever the case, it looks like someone should not be behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.

The Monday Blues has been an occasional feature here at the blog since inception; the blues, an emotion, a color, a genre of music, with a cycling twist.
