Along the SGRT: She Had No Sneakers On


Coyote was out there, dancing in the dry grass
Out there where water once would flow
Before a city sucked it all away.
I thought she had a bone whistle
In her mouth
And was playing notes of enchantment
Notes of calling
Like an ageless Pied Piper.

She had no sneakers on
But she jumped
And pounced all the same
At some little sound only she,
With her big coyote ears,
Could hear.

Only briefly did her performance pause
With ears
And nose
And eyes 
Declined to the ground, and then


But the hard packed crust
She looked up and noticed.
There were spectators
And she became suddenly shy
And retreated.

Rarely is Coyote caught off guard, taken by surprise. I may be easily entertained, but if ever you come across her, or him,  in one of those moments stop your racing and just watch for however the show goes on. It is highly entertaining. Little surprises - one of the many reasons to ride.

Chalan Rest Stop. What tale is Omar telling? It seems to be highly entertaining too.

notice the bells on the bars...

now, notice the bells on Tamera's Camelbak? I don't know, she just has a knack for finding people who will give up their possessions just because she says. "I like your... [fill in the blank]. 

on the verge and already the August clouds are building

Just to finish up, an because I am a big fan of Harry Fonseca and his many Coyote images:

"...Some say that Coyote is on the streets and in the alleys
That Coyote lives in L.A. and San Francisco and eats out of garbage cans
That Coyote talks to his asshole and usually takes its advice
That Coyote howls at the moon because it never stays the same
That Coyote doesn't like change
That Coyote is change..."
(Just a portion of the poem Coyote, by Harry Fonseca)
