A Mirage in UCSB Kit

 It could have been a mirage. The morning cover of clouds that had helped to keep the suns' intensity at bay earlier had been vaporized soon after we reached the turn-around point, so it could have been a mirage. After all it was hot enough to have been one. I know, usually they rise just above the ground rather than at saddle height and above, but... I think I know what I saw.

We had made it back to Chalan Rest Stop on the San Gabriel River Trail where, by the way, I happened to find the most refreshing bottle of Coke a Cola of all time...

anyway, I looked up and over to the street crossing and, I swear there is a rider over there wearing the same floral-print UCSB jersey as I am. Hmm. After that I got back to the Coke and forgot all about that jersey. That is until back atop the dam I see a rider coming towards me and, darned if he isn't wearing UCSB kit too. That's some coincidental mirage, occurring in two separate places, I think. By then I had dropped the mrs on the climb, back a ways, so I pulled over to wait. When she caught back up I was just about to say, hey did you see..., when she (the mrs.) beats me to the punch, "that guy was wearing the same jersey as you" she says. So I guess it wasn't a mirage after all. Not the first time, nor the second, and not even the third time I have seen the kit on riders around these parts, but still a rarity.

if you ask me, it is just so much water under the bridge

I knew this tree had to still be good for something - the Ravens Perch
