Two Wheel Tuesday: The Shining Path

"Hey Daa....onal.....Dimitri, that's your name. Dimitri. How's it going?"

"Pretty good, and you are... who?"

"Oh, come on now, its only been a few months."

A lot can happen in a few months, though, and I couldn't even be sure if Two Wheel Tuesday was still a thing. After all there were no bikes in the parking lot of La Verne Brewing Company when I pulled in, nor anyone who looked like they were going to be riding all those bikes that weren't there. I was all ready to declare the ride deceased, but then there they were, after the loop that wasn't a loop had been ridden, like the scattered seed of those long-dried thistle, bikes cast nearby in quiet repose, unlike the raucous convention on the patio, debating the qualities of tacos and beers and reliving the ride just finished.


Well, at least one person remembered my name.

The sun was especially brutal and dirty sunglasses create an impossible glare which almost delivered me off the trail multiple times. Finally giving up I just pulled them down and peered over the rims. Other times I could follow the shining path stretching out ahead. Who knew simple dirt could reflect the sun like that?

I had heard the RV campground had been fenced off, but I had either forgotten or thought that it would have been reopened, but no, the fence was still there - the Great Wall of Bonelli, keeping some in, and others out. And so this 2WT became a kind of disjointed out and back, a couple skewed legs to make it a little longer than usual. Nothing wrong with that.

Oh, taking the easy way. I see how it is.
