
"You don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with Jim..."

Think back on one of those epic rides you've done. The kind of ride that you finished up sure that you were some kind of superman, or wonder woman as the case may be. Believing that you had just taken on the world and come out on top. Maybe even believing that you were as close as anyone could get to invincibility. It has been quite a while since last I did any kind of ride approaching one of epic proportions, and goodness knows that none of the three rides I did this weekend came close to being epical. But as I rode the streets back home after each one spent in the Out There, and saw all those people ensconced in their motors, doing their best to avoid the cold and threat of rain, the discomfort of pushing themselves, I thought... superman.

Saturday - peek-a-boo, the clouds parted and i see you

the boundary road, and...

the Army has been busy marking it. it's mine, i tell you, mine!


and then the clouds closed back in


thought i'd check out the creek - very reminiscent of last winter, though...

so far only above the dam...

even re-found that old piece of painted plank, and...

hauling it and the bike, and myself back up the boulder wall is not an easy task

one of the vernal ponds below the buckwheat trail
