Let the Coffeeneuring Start

 Disclaimer: By the rules of coffeeneuring this may not be permissible. But. Since it was hot this morning I just wanted to get the ride in (a simple one along the Pacific Electric Trail), with coffee at the end, rather than in the middle somewhere. Putting the coffee on ice and then enjoying it in the shade of the patio with best buddy Finn jumping into the picture frame, seemed just as good as any other option. 

Back in September I posted (at Claremont Cyclist on FB) that the start of the Coffeeneuring Challenge for 2023 was coming up in October. Well that day has arrived, the official start date of the challenge and, while this mornings ride & the coffee may not qualify (I didn't have it somewhere during the ride) there are more than enough days left to meet the seven ride minimum.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Check it out on FB at the Coffeeneurs group, or at the Chasing Mailboxes blog, and join in.

Incidentally, this is a good excuse for a group ride, and while there are plenty that do this (ride with coffee stop) already, we can always arrange something specific to the challenge - either for a coffee in the morning, or a coffee stout later. Interested? Let me know and we'll line it up.
