Snow on the Mountain

 Snow covered that north facing slope, not to any depth mind you, but it was snow and a cold wind was blowing. Not only that, but the road winding its way down to Stockton Flat looked so far below and...

well, perhaps I never really intended to do the MSM Ride in Search of Autumn this year after all. Not too sure I would have found it (Autumn) anyway, this high up the mountain looked more like early onset Winter. An odd one, though; the willows that fill the little side canyons just below the Notch were still full of green leaves, only a scattering of yellow to mark the seasonal change, much like the dusting of snow that burnished some of the nearby slopes. I ride only a little way over the top, just enough to see that "the perseverance tree" was still there, just enough the satisfy some curiosity about how much snow was over there, and how far down it extended. Just enough to remind me just how far down and away the descent would take me, and how far back up I would have to come. At the ski area, I am guessing there has been a little snow making going on, especially at the tubing basin which had a nice cover; the ski runs only a little dusting. Of course the storm supposedly coming in to start next week sounds wetter and colder, so who knows what they'll look like seven days hence. Cool, errr, I mean cold.

snow on the mountain

that opening portion of paved road

the Notch

the switchback way down from Thunder Mountain

Desert View

just over the top

a north facing slope

a slippery slope

that tree is still hanging on

chillin' outside - the lodge wasn't open

getting the lifts ready

the falls

Anyway, the ride up to the Notch, and however far down the other side, is something I try to do at least once a year - if for no other reason than to enjoy the change of scenery.
