Lost and Found

 We cyclists are always finding and losing things. We might lose a wheel, not in a literal sense mind you, although that has been known to happen too, but in a figurative sense - you were not able to keep up with the rider in front of you, or were "forced" from a prime spot in the draft behind another rider - you lost the wheel you were following. What ever the case, losing a wheel is not a good thing. Finding our legs, on the other hand, is a good thing. In the short and sweet, finding our legs means we are having a good day. We can find our legs on a climb, in a sprint, or simply on a good long ride. Of course, there are also the more common things to lose and find, our nerves in a particularly harried sprint, for instance. Gloves get lost; I'm not sure how riders lose a single glove during a ride, but I have seen them often enough to know that it happens. I have lost saddle bags on at least two occasions, along with the tools and stuff that were in them. Presumable someone later came along and found them - good for those people.

I have lost this particular feather from my saddlebag twice during rides now. The first time I found it the next day, lying in the middle of the trail. The second time, I found it the same day, a half-hour after losing it, again lying in the middle of the trail. 

Lost and Found

"... And we all fell down
We were lost and found
And the sun went down
We were lost and found
Lost and Found
Lost and Found..."
(McCulloch, Pattinson, Sergeant)
