Cycling Claremont: Joe Galarza's Tongva Mural

As you might already have assumed, the artist of this mural is the same Joe Galarza who painted "Sacred Grandmother" shared, here at the blog, earlier in the month, as well as "Genetic Future," shared here in July 2019. In fact you can see the larger, vertical, mural reflected in the background of the photo above. 

Like "Sacred Grandmother," this mural was painted in collaboration with Tongva elder Julia Bogany, who is featured in a short video in which she explains the symbolism seen in this "Tongva" mural.

The Claremont College campuses are still closed in response to the COVID-19 emergency, so neither this, nor any other mural there, are currently viewable. Rest assured, though, you will be able to ride around and check them out soon enough.
