Battle Bikes and Tall Ships...

er, make that tall bikes and battleships.

From the point in Duarte where I normally start my rides on the San Gabriel River Trail to its end at Seal Beach is roughly 36 miles. Not all that far right? So, I sometimes am surprised by how widely different the weather conditions can be between the two ends. When I left Duarte in the morning it was very comfortable, in Seal Beach it was downright chilly (overcast, fog, cool breeze), and by the time I was back at the mountain-side of the Trail I was pretty well broiled to perfection by that relentless sun which dominates the inland sky. The two tall bikes were locked outside the River's End Cafe with the longest cable, I think, I have ever seen. I may have photographed its owner riding along the path fairly recently. The other photo is, of course, the USS Iowa at anchor off-shore - even in the foggy conditions its shape is still clearly distinct. It is not the first big warship I have seen off the coast, but I dare say it is likely the most historic, and will be something to see up close when it makes its new berth at San Pedro.


  1. I love the Tall Bikes! That fixie looking one is awesome!


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