Seen, and Not Seen, Along the San Gabriel River Trail

Just missing out on seeing Harrison Ford at Chalan Rest Stop today got me to thinking about some of the other things I have seen while riding along the San Gabriel River Trail over the years. When the Canadian Geese fly through on their migrations and crowd the river channel, or the grass fields of the various school yards, they can be a pretty amazing sight. One time there was a wake of vultures up on the levee, both sides of the Trail, just watching as I rode between them. There have been other well-known riders. - Tinker Juarez for instance; I used to see him flying along the pavement quite frequently. I can't say as that the ever expanding homeless encampments are a welcome sight, but they are impossible to miss (though apparently not impossible to ignore). 

Perhaps the most interesting thing I have seen along the length of the trail, though, was the body. Dressed in work clothes, a hard hat, and with a tool belt around his waist, he was dangling from an old wooden power post. Holy crap! I couldn't believe what I was seeing and, even up close, the mannequin looked real. You see there are these seven or so poles spaced closely together at the south end of the big electrical yard. They have lines strung between them, but are not connected to anything else. Ever since the incident, probably more than twenty years in the past now, I have been convinced those poles are there for training exercises. In fact, that day, they were probably being used for rescue training, though there were no workers around at the time. I can only imagine the number of frantic calls someone received that day, and not a single time since then have I spotted a body dangling from those poles and lines.

Play along if you want - what's the most interesting thing you have seen along the SGRT?

Seems like, as a society, we should be able to solve this problem but have done a piss-poor job of it so far. Does anyone even consider this a trailhead picnic area anymore?
