I Just Didn't Care

Racing returned to southern California today - it would be an overstatement to say I don't care, but I certainly didn't care enough. I've got no race photos, nor anything else relating to the Majestic Criterium. I am sure the racing was good, and hear they had to add an additional Cat 4 race due to demand, but I didn't care enough to go. I just didn't care.

I would rather ride. I didn't care to just watch other people do it, when I would rather do it. Could you blame me, would you think that I would care. With a world full of color and an arm full of vaccine there wasn't enough enticement to do anything other than get out and ride. Who knows maybe that old enthusiasm to soak in the local racing scene will return, but for now I just don't care. I'm goin' ta ride.

doesn't seem like these folks cared about going to any old race either


passing through

passing through faster

old, but not jalopy

hoppin' at the Sunday market
