It's the Weekend: Precision Drilling

Bee? Wasp? Maybe an ant! Then again, what about a person with a cordless drill and time enough to wile away with such foolishness? I thought of each one of those possibilities in its turn when I notice those holes, bored to extreme precision in the dirt surface of the uppermost road of Johnson's Pasture. There were at least nine of the tiny tunnels right close to one another, and possibly more nearby (some looked like they had been rubbed out). From then on I was on the lookout for more, but never did see any others. I'm about as sure as I can be that they were made by native bees, and that the reason I saw no others is because conditions for burrowing are optimal only right there - the ground has a higher clay content so that it is more firm, whereas other stretches of the road are much more granular, like a decomposed granite. Secondly there is far less foot traffic up in that part of the Claremont Hills Wilderness Park; it is off the beaten path so to speak. 

Bees in general, not just the common European honey bee, are having a bit of a rough time right now, so if you happen to be up in that part of the park, on your way over to Webb Canyon, or what ever, keep an eye out and scoot around the holes - they are not so hard to miss, and quite easy to avoid. 

Anyway, it's the weekend. Finally. The boss man even let us off the hook early today - in honor of Palm Friday. Woo Hoo! Get out there and see what you can see, there is interesting stuff all around.

precision drilling

a couple of my favorite places

purple blooming ceanothus across canyon from Coyote Howl Point

oak galls, one very large one

as I was descending I suddenly realized I only ever get one perspective of Cobal Canyon, and that is while descending, so I stopped. And looked back up for a shot. I only wish i had waited a little longer since a woman dressed all in flowers was just passing through the gate at the entrance; i don't know what was going on but she was sure a colorful, beautiful sight.

a single clutch of this purple stuff along Powerline
