
Nemesis was / is a Greek goddess whose name gave rise to the word for a long-standing rival or archenemy that we know today. I can't really recall ever having any one member of the peloton who I would have considered to be my nemesis. But, there was this one incident, in which I played witness, that provided insight into how a nemesis relationship could develop:

After the race, we were standing around by the truck just talking about politics or what ever a couple racers talk about when the speed work is done. Soon enough another racer rides over; we both knew him as a regular on a couple of the local group rides in addition to the races, a fellow racer acquaintance more than a friend. He stops and unclips, says "hey guys," and what ever else, then turns to my buddy and asks "would ya hold my bike for a second?" I don't think anyone ever answers no to that question. So, as my bud grabs the handlebar, racer #3 walks fifteen feet back to his car where he spends more than several minutes not doing much of anything. Could he have simply leaned his bike against his car like everyone else? Of course! During those few minutes buddy continued holding the bike - in silence. Whatever conversation he and I were having before had been overtaken by incredulity. We kept waiting for something, anything else to happen, but nothing did. Finally #3 walked back over, said thanks, hopped on his bike and rode off. Buddy and I looked at one another, and said "what the hell was that?" Buddy was a bit perturbed by the whole thing, but I couldn't help myself and started to bust up laughing; I don't think he saw the same amount of humor in the situation as I did. And just like that a nemesis was born. I think buddy eventually grew to see the joke that had been played and got a good chuckle out of it, but for years afterward #3 would be his nemesis.

Anyway, having a nemesis in the same race as you, or even on that especially competitive training ride can be a great motivator. Maybe that's why I never rose beyond a certain point in the rankings. Maybe if I had a nemesis...

anyone want to volunteer? 

Nemesis is usually portrayed with wings, for the swiftness of her justice, often holds a sword, a lash or apple branch, or a scale with which to measure balance. She is often seen writing, presumably a list of grievances. I couldn't figure out what the wheel was all about, but apparently it represents the wheel of fate, or fortune depending on which side of her retribution you are on.
