Monday Blues: Little Pink Bike


Anyone who has seen a child's face light up the first time they pedal their two-wheeler on their own, a seemingly simple act,  knows that it conveys sheer joy and immeasurable pride. Very little that comes later in life can equal that initial burst of freedom that balancing as you pedal down the sidewalk brings. Somewhere there is a child who might remember a pink princess bike and the happiness that it provided. While it looks like a sad end, who knows, maybe someone will find this one, fix it up, provide an opportunity for another child to experience the same.

I haven't seen so much water in the Rio Honda, bank to bank, enough to provide the shanty town with a swimming hole. 

Further down, and over on the Rio San Gabriel, a couple women were throwing something into the wide water at Whittier Narrows and emptying bags of what I could swear were gold fish. Exactly how we end up with things like carp living where they're not supposed to, and wreaking havoc on local ecosystems. 

Blues all around this Labor Day...

but hey, this rider finished her ride tired, but with a smile:

The Monday Blues has been an occasional feature here at the blog since inception; the blues, an emotion, a color, a genre of music, with a cycling twist.
