Oh, You Won't Have to Wait Today

Okay, so, I don't honestly know what kind of hell is going to demand payment for today's post, but here goes:

Walking down the stairs in cycling kit de jour seemed to make the question unnecessary, but there it was - "where ya goin'?" The answer, "on a ride," was preceded by a sigh, because I knew what the next question would be: "Road or mountain?" I managed to cut the third question off at the pass by answering it and question two with the same answer, "I'm going on the river trail."

"I'll go!" I knew that one was coming too. Standard question and answer stuff on the weekend.

"No thank you," I replied, knowing full well it would fall on deaf ears. "I'd prefer to ride fast and not have to wait today."

"Oh, you won't have to wait today..."

Geez, what the heck was that? Did anyone else hear a sort of diabolical laugh, or was it just my imagination?

"Oh, you won't have to wait today." Ha, ha, ha, ha...

The reason I'm not seen on the road bike much anymore - the waiting for Mrs. Oh, you won't have to wait today:

here comes mrs. oh, you won't have to wait today...

here she comes again...

hey man, what you waitin' for:
mrs. oh, you won't have to wait today...

and again...

y espera...

y de nuevo espera (not sure that says what i think it does)...

and again...

and again...

we're both treading a fine edge here...

meanwhile at Chalan Rest Stop, that guy is smiling because...

Omar is busy making him a sandwich

somewhere in the distance is mrs. oh, you won't have to wait today...

and again...

but still smiling


at least i can look at the river while waiting for...

mrs. oh, you won't have to wait today!
