Not Slow Sunday Scenes: Tennis and Tree 211?

Well, maybe, by the end of two hoppers of balls I had slowed down some. And my serve percentage had decreased considerably. And I just wasn't getting the toss high enough. And my motion just wasn't the same as when I started. Alright, yes, it had become pretty slow by then.

The thing about tennis in the heat (as opposed to cycling in the heat), that lack of linear movement over long distances means you don't get that natural air conditioning effect. As I finished up and spun down and around the shaded path through the Pomona College Farm that difference was clear and obvious. Of course, the heat is the same no matter what, and I suspect the people who went out to Santa Clarita for today's Chuck Pontius / Go Fast Crit knew what they had signed up for. Some may have looked upon the conditions with derision, thinking all the while, "the hotter the better, baby." Others probably took it in stride, a fact of August in southern California. Maybe some small few wondered, as they stood in the roasting sun on the start line, just what the heck they were doing there.

After circling through the oaks I just had to get back up Mills. Hot as it may have been, I hope everyone has, so far, made the best of the weekend.

woof, i needed someone to hold an umbrella over my head

acing autism. seems like a good cause

there is a reason trees like the white giant are called widow-makers - that is a pretty hefty branch it dropped

interesting juxtaposition - outhouse and compost bins

i think tree 211? had four numerals at one time, but someone scratched the last one off...

maybe the same someone who crashed into it at some time and left a big scar?
