XC at the Southridge 2022 Winter Series, 5 February

 Last minute decisions are okay when the decision is only a thirty minute drive away, so when I finished breakfast and read the paper, and only then thought hey, I can get to Southridge, take some pics and still get back for an afternoon ride, the morning was set.

This weekend was the third in the 2022 Winter Series, with another three still to go, out on those rocky slopes of Southridge.

following the leader, Gavin Hlady, to start the long grind

It's been a few years, I answered when one competitor asked if I was at each race. A bit of an underestimate on my part as it turns out - more like five years, 2017 to be exact. Where has the time gone? In 2017 that parking area was full, with people there for the day, others camping overnight to get in two days of DH, with vendors booths, team tents, people riding wheelies back and forth - there was activity everywhere. This weekend in 2022 was notable for the empty spaces; all that activity of previous years was still there, just less of it, and more spread out. I suppose after the past couple years there would be some expected lag in getting the house back in order, getting people back in the game.

One thing that has not diminished over the years is the enthusiasm - the racers are still all in, the "Southridge Family" still run around keeping things moving, the day still began with the national anthem; hopefully the enthusiasm continues, spreads, and more racers return to help fill out the fields.

Anyway, it turned out to be a perfect day for a race - sunny and cool, with those forever views you only get on winter days. The rocky and rutted trail, winding its way up the hillside, and then plunging down the other side (which has always seemed largely impossible to me) appeared to be little obstacle to those doing the racing. I can't imagine how far behind I would have been in their shoes; my shoes would have been doing quite a bit of walking. Then again, with only two others in my category, I would be assured of a placing. Hmmm...

Next race is on the 19th; I know there are still a lot of XC mountain bikers out there, you can't have all gone over to gravel. In addition to the photos here, a selection of 86 photos are in this album.

Congrats to everyone who raced and placed, including the top five pro men: Julien Bourdeuaire 1st, Gavin Hlady 2nd, Ryan Huffmon 3rd, David Baar 4th, Jason Perez 5th.

Tanner Jackson

Julien Bourdeuaire

Gavin Hlady

Ben Goyette

Derek Hermon

Meagan Alpha

Larry Pritchard
