Slow Sunday Scenes in the Village

 I tell ya, there might not have been as much traffic as there was last weekend, but still... a return to a "normal" Sunday was bad enough. Why, when there is a much better option, do so may otherwise able-legged drivers feel it is necessary to drive into a space limited in its capacity to accommodate that many motor vehicles has always been beyond me.

That said, it was, as it always is, heartening to see so many choosing that much better option. Pedal bikes, e-bikes, old, young, recreational riders, farmers' market riders, all get it. Ride on fellow riders, ride on.

"...They can't play baseball
They don't wear sweaters
They're not good dancers
They don't play drums

Fish heads fish heads
Roly poly fish heads
Fish heads fish heads
Eat them up yum

Roly poly fish heads are never seen
Drinking cappuccino in Italian restaurants
With oriental women, yeah..."
(Barnes, Fischer)

I'm not sure what brought Fish Heads to mind, but thank you Dr. Demento.

My legs took a beating after yesterdays' expeditionary ride up canyon, and a nice simple twenty-miler on the road is just what they needed to recover. A few hills in La Verne, but otherwise flat. A quarter of that should be in reach of any of those able-legged drivers.
