Monday Blues: Wild Blue Yonder

Honoring all those who put a greater good ahead of concerns for their own lives on this Memorial Day. We remember.

"Off we go into the wild blue yonder..." was one of the two military branch songs I learned as a kid - the other, of course, being the Marine Corps hymn - "From the halls of Moctezuma, to the shores of Tripoli..." Actually, I don't know if they were something i "learned," or where just bits of trivia I picked up along the way. Anyway, it is a rare weekend day that those old military planes don't fly the skies around here (today there just seemed to be the one, with a private plane acting as wingman), and that song pops into my head. Apropos the day.

the motorized bicycle brigade was out in force today - and I still don't get it.

what I do get is this little trail, fairly lengthy and hella fun. i believe another local rider "discovered" it some time ago, but me - just this morning. not only is it a fun detour, it also adds some distance to the standard loop.

swimmin' in pollen

blue - in honor of the day

threading between rocks


trails end, or is it a beginning

still up there

back home, time for a little Fast Digs work, with that jasmine in the background smelling up the joint
