Monday Blues: Coyote Poops in my Path


You know, there are people who study that stuff - scatology by name. I will leave the serious stuff to them, but man, you can't help but notice how much of it there is in the Spreading Grounds. Coyote poop, rabbit poop, deer poop, dog poop, now that I have seen them bobcat poop too, and quite frankly, some that has looked an awful lot like it has been deposited by humans. The southern end of the place in particular, where the concrete channel heads underground is very popular with the squatting set; there are times of the year when you have got to be on top of your game, keep your eyes glued to the ground in front of your wheels, where your ability to juke and jive, and swerve around is going to be put to a rigorous test. It is probably not a test you want to score poorly on. I don't really know why this particular spot is so popular for this particular activity but you know,

by nature coyote is pretty lazy; it is why there are so many seeds and berries in the stuff - he doesn't have to expend any energy hunting those down. For the same reason, I wouldn't be surprised if his den, or the place he hunkers down during the day, is nearby. Even so...

Coyote, seriously dude, keep it off the trail; and if, for what ever reason, you can't, pick that poop up!
