Cold Sunday Scenes from the Village, 24 January

 "Wait, Mike, isn't it Slow Sunday Scenes...?" Well, yeah usually. Cold seemed more appropriate today. Legs churning, wheels spinning, masked up and masked down riders, as they do every Sunday, passed through Claremont Village on this chilly morning. That chill was enough to put the nix on, what I had hoped would be, a longer ride. Instead I opted for a round-about route from home to Village and back; just enough to call it a ride, as a matter of fact. Started with a check of the unofficially named Lake Chaparral, followed by stops for photos of various "things," the cold morning satisfaction of a 42nd Street Bagel ConEggtion (with sausage, of course), Peet's Coffee, and settin' a spell by the farmers' market to watch the world pass by. The double entendre of "just chillin'."

Lake Chaparral, and lotsa ducks

good morning ms. boulder

your usual garden variety bike; the birds seem to like it

never seen this sign before

an Ibis kind of day

Bonita and Yale

red, white and...

purple? Close, but no cigar
