Witch Hunt

Hey! HEY! Stop gnawing on my tire! Is that why you called me over here? Geez, what's wrong with you?

"I'm hungry..."

Ugh, you're always hungry. Why don't you, you know... try actual food stuff. Anyway, what do you want? I'm trying to get a decent ride in.

"Witch Hunt."

Witch Hunt... what? Be a little more specific, please.

"The song by Rush - did you realize it is almost forty years old now, and just as relevant today as it was in 1981."  

The righteous rise
With burning eyes
Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen feed on fear and lies
To beat and burn and kill

They say there are strangers who threaten us
Our immigrants and infidels
They say there is strangeness to danger us
In our theaters and bookstore shelves
That those who know what's best for us
Must rise and save us from ourselves

Quick to judge
Quick to anger
Slow to understand
Ignorance and prejudice
and fear walk hand in hand."
(Neil Peart)

Yeah, good song. By the way; I didn't know you, Coyote, was such a connoisseur of music.

"There is a lot about me you don't know, you know. But back to Witch Hunt; have you ever noticed how the threat always comes from the right -  every few decades its ugly head rises again. Nativism and the rise of the Klan in the 1920s and 1930s (which not coincidentally. corresponded with the rise of similar Fascist, nativist movements across Europe at the same time. McCarthyism in the 1950s. Turn another few decades to now, and it is Trumpism, another black mark to stain American humanity. I had hope in you people, but it really seems as if you are doomed to repeat the failures of the past. Maybe the next generation, they always give me hope, hope that they will be the ones to finally figure it out."

"Speaking of which, are you not getting kind of old to be a liberal?"

Ha, Never! Did I ever tell you about Robert Curry? 

"No, but do tell."

Bob was a volunteer at the museum, a World War II veteran, which would have made him the same generation as my grandparents, and had retired after a successful business career. I enjoyed our conversations in the lunch room at the noon hour. He didn't like my views on Ireland's British problem, but other than that we got along well, in fact he was a major contributor to an exhibition I organized one year. I don't remember what prompted it anymore, but one day while debating some issue with someone else he confessed that "the older I get, the more liberal I get." Hmm, I thought, you don't have to grow more conservative as you age? That's awesome!

Alright you mangy cur, 

"Hey now, there's no need for that derogatory stuff."

Ah, you're right. Bunker Boy's divisiveness and pettiness and lack of respect for anyone else seems to have become more contagious than the virus. Anyway I do have a ride to finish, and it seems as though the days are already growing shorter.
