Public, not Private

Yesterday's bicyclist fatality at the hands of a driver with, apparently, murderous intent, reminded me of an interaction with an enraged driver from a few (4) years ago on the same street (Radcliffe Drive) that Captain Mellow (I) recounted in a post. It is one of those little things we find ourselves dwelling on - was that driver then, the same as the driver now under arrest for murder? It might be a coincidence, but then history is rife with such things.

We do not yet know the cause of the heinous act and are rightly horrified by it, but we also know there are drivers out there who casually disregard norms and propriety on a daily basis as they move around through public space. What ever the outcome of the police investigation it is never the wrong time to remind that the streets are public ways intended to be SHARED by everyone, no matter their mode of transportation, whether it be afoot, on two wheels, three, or four, and that no one has a right to endanger the well-being of another over some individual misperception of ownership.
