
Back in the year of 2012 I penned something about this virtual competition / mapping / gps gizmo that had become popular. It was called Strava, and I confessed that I did not see much chance of ever using it myself. Well, six years on I still don't have a Strava account; six years on I still don't see myself as ever becoming a Strava convert.

Luddite! "I heard that - you do know I'm sitting right here. Keep that thought to yourself next time there bud." Well, the other morning I let my mind think; I sometimes do that just so it doesn't get rusty. I mean, that is the purpose to which it has developed in human beings over eons of time after all, so why let it go to waste.

Anyway, as I said, I started thinking. I started to think about the cyclical nature of things. About how things become popular and then, after a while, those things lose their popularity. Maybe after a little more time passes they become popular again. Sort of like bell-bottoms, or mullets... well, perhaps those are not the best examples - not sure they will have an "again," but maybe you see where I am going. The way I see it, assuming I live long enough, all that phony competition stuff is going to be seen by some near-future generation for what it really is - a deception. Maybe those future riders will find this blog, and that post from 2012 and, incredulously say, "what? when everyone was using Strava there was one guy who was not using Strava?" In their eyes that will make me anti-Strava cool before it became cool. Because by that point in time I will be venerable, or vintage, or deceased I might be looked upon as a man ahead of his times, looked up to, emulated, deified... 

Hmm, now I think about, perhaps this thinking thing is not all it is cracked up to be.

other than the fact that there was no Strava involved, this photo has nothing to do with the post, but is a previously unpublished photo from Two Wheel Tuesday two weeks ago


  1. I'm not a Strava user either and I don't consider myself a luddite...:)

    1. Though the battery may need replacing every so often, I think my cycling computer (which never has a connection hiccup, by the way) is just enough to keep me out of the Luddite category as well.


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