Upcoming: Inland Empire Ride of Silence...

The Ride of Silence takes place during the months of April and May around the world in remembrance of those killed and injured in bicycle vs. automobile related collisions, and to raise awareness in our local communities to the importance of being safe and courteous when exercising the common use of our roadways.

Once again this year, Cycling Connection will be hosting the Inland Empire Ride of Silence leaving from Juice It Up, southeast corner of Baseline and Day Creek Blvd in Rancho Cucamonga, on Wednesday, May 15. Riders should gather at 5:30 for a 6:00 pm depart time. The silent, 12 mph max speed ride will follow a 12 mile route and include police escort. Check the Psycho-lists MeetUp event page, or Cycling Connection MeetUp event page, for more information
