Upcoming: Cindy Sheehan and the Tour de Peace...

The wife saw, and picked up, a flyer for this event at the Claremont Folk Music Store the other day. You might remember Cindy Sheehan for her protest at the Bush Ranch in Texas following the death of her son in 2004 during the Iraq War. Sheehan's ride across the country will begin in Vacaville on April 4, ride into Southern California, before heading east to Washington D.C. On April 7 there will be a "celebration & potluck" at the Claremont United Methodist Church; a short ride will take place the following day, going from Claremont to Rancho Cucamonga. For information on the "celebration & potluck" contact Anthony 909-622-4385 or, Calvin_Hobbs4vr@yahoo.com / for information about the ride contact Rus Ramirez 909-243-5148 or, dreamscometrue2222@yahoo.com / for information about the Tour de Peace click here.
