
I just realized that sometime recently, probably last week, the blog(s) topped 100,000 views. That's 100,000 over the 2.5 years that I have been writing first, the Claremont Cyclist, and now the CLR Effect. When I started I had no goals in mind, no conception of how the numbers would add up. Quite frankly I had no idea that it would be anything more than a local interest blog. But you know how the internet is - more than half the people who stop by are from outside the Southern California region. That is one of the most cool and amazing things to be revealed through my laborings here. The tribe of cyclists around the world may be incredibly diverse but we have much more in common; I like to think of the blog as my connection to a great wealth of riders in virtually every corner of the world.

I know 100,000 is like a raindrop in a pond at some blogs, and am not using the number as any indication of success. I prefer to measure success with the fun factor, and I am still having fun and looking forward the second 100k.
