Coming Through - the Crazy Bear

Guess what? I made it. Maybe i should say, i finally made it! And it has only taken four years.

Since i was riding at Bonelli this afternoon, i might as well stop in at Crazy Bear Bikes, i said to no one in particular, you know, just to see if they have that part i need. I really was not expecting to experience any success in this mission, i mean this particular part is not an every-day, high demand item, something that a shop would normally keep stocked on the shelf. Instead, i imagine it falling into the good old "but we can order it for you" category. I said as much to the man behind the counter. I said, this is probably a long-shot, but...

but after explaining i was looking for a Rocky Mounts (or similar) thru-axle adaptor so that i could secure the mrs' new bike to the rack, the man now in front of the counter, led me right to one hanging on the wall. Cool. But have they really been in business four years, and i haven't once been over there? Yikes! That's embarrassing. And all the more so, because that is one darn fine shop they've got there, and they did come through, when i was not expecting it.

Anyway, it is the weekend now. Enjoy it while it lasts, they sure seem to fly by quickly and, the next thing you know, it's Monday again. No need to dwell on that last bit yet, just get out there and have some fun.

cactus, trail and Baldy (Joat), but not Denali, not the Gulf of Mexico

blue and brown

patrolling the cove

also patrolling the cove

also finally - i found the marker for Grandmothers' Grove again. i've looked for it a couple times since discovering it years ago, but thought it was much further up the hill. i still need to contact the Izaak Walton League to see if they have old records telling what trees were planted

peaks and pine

i tell ya, that is one fine looking coyote up at the top of this post, isn't she! i was finishing up the ride, gone around the campground, and was riding along the chain link fence at the airfield boundary when her mate ran across the path ahead of me and up to the camp. well, she didn't make it across before i came along, and so retreated deeper into the airfield property, wary of me, but still trying to watch for where her mate was.
