You See, We Do Relate

"Hey, you seen any ravens around, lately?"

No. Can't say as that I have. Why are you asking me, anyway? You're a raven; wouldn't you know better than me if there were any around? 


It is kinda hot. Maybe they're perched in some shade somewhere...

"Yeah... yeah, it does get pretty hot wearing this coat of black all the time. On the other hand it it light as a feather... ha, ha, ha, har, ha, ha..."

You've been waiting a long time to tell that joke, haven't you? Is that what passes for raven humor?

"Passes!? What Passes?! That was hilarious. And anyway, what's raven humor? You must mean people humor. After-all humans are people too, just the same as ravens."

Oh, now we're getting philosophical?

"Not at all, it's just reality. Ravens and humans are both people. We both just want to have fun. Take you for instance; why else would you be out here, if not for whatever you're doing on that contraption being fun."

Ok, so let's assume that ravens and humans are people, as you suggest, what about other creatures then? What about coyote for instance? I've watched him having fun many times.

"Blech! Coyote! He's a savage. Sure he likes to have his fun, but he'll also turn on you in an instant, and think it's funny in the process. I had a friend once... well, let's just say I had a friend once..."

What about hawk? I see you up there [pointing to the sky] playing tag with hawk all the time.

"Hawk!? No, hawk is too serious. All the time serious. There ain't a funny bone in that guy's body. Ha, ha, ha. Another good one - funny bone... But no, we try to get hawk to play, have fun, but he ain't the least bit interested."

Well this is all somewhat interesting, and in some way maybe you're right. You know, I wrote some prose about you ravens once. You want to hear one?

"Sure, give it a go."

a bunch of ravens
arrayed in the branches
of a eucalyptus tree
near the beach.
They are there because of
the women who walk
by in their bikinis
and skimpy one-piece suits.
The ravens especially like the
long legs, exposed,
and are quick
to exclaim their delight.

All this ogling, though
makes them hungry
and thirsty.
There is no food here;
quite frankly eucalyptus
is unpalatably bitter.

So off they fly,
across town to where
the Raiders are playing
the Seahawks.
There is plenty to eat here;
popcorn and hot dogs,
maybe a beer
to wash it all down.
They hoot and holler
above and beyond the call of duty
whenever the Raiders score; they
never had much affinity
for hawks. And no one
suspects they don't belong
attired in the proper colors
as they are.
(mpw 94)

Ha, cool man! You see, we do relate. We do relate.
