Monday Blues: Wasted Days

Welcome to July

"How many summers still remain?
How many day's are lost in vain...

How can a man watch his life go down the drain?
How many moments has he lost today...

Wasted days
Wasted days
We watch our lives just fade away too
More wasted days..."

I don't pretend to know what state of mind Mr. Mellencamp was in when he wrote that song, but it certainly seems to contain a lot of "blue" in it. Sure it's alright to waste a good day now and then but, for the most part, filling them with things you like seems a far more fulfilling option. Get out there.

the Cardinal Larkspur is the dramatic bloomer Out There right now - red splashes in select spots, but a particularly nice grouping in this shallow draw

water still flowing in the creek

little lakelets and the big boulder

Eucalyptus shade

not wasting any days

The Monday Blues has been an occasional feature here at the blog since inception; the blues, an emotion, a color, a genre of music, with a cycling twist.
