Monday Blues: What a Drag?

Oh how I long for the days when one could crash Out There in relative peace and obscurity. Those days are gone, well, not always, but such was the case this evening. Not so much a crash, mind you, more like a toppling over than an actual crash with speed. But anyway, this evening I was sharing space, the trails mostly, with a whole pack of young wolves (locals might catch my drift). One even called my name as he rode past. I didn't see who it was, but I know it wasn't Red Hugh, who anyway is a coyote and not at all a wolf. Not all of them were young mind you, some were older chaperone types, and boy were they, one and all, faster than me. Made me look like a novice or something. But that's okay, they've got a season of racing coming up real fast. I seem to remember a song - "what a drag it is getting..." Ha! Well, that's okay too, and life goes on, just a little slower.

a pack of wolves. after passing me on the lowest section of trail they headed up the west side of the channel, while i chose the east

my preferred entrance to this particular trail section

Sunset Peak

The Monday Blues has been an occasional feature here at the blog since inception; the blues, an emotion, a color, a genre of music, with a cycling twist.
