2024 Southridge Winter Series, Race #5, DH Practice

It is not unusual to associate certain types of music, even specific songs with particular events and instances in our lives. When the downhillers come. bombing down the mountain side, seemingly devoid of sanity, daring...

fates and broken bones, it all seems like...

metal music, heavy metal music, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Krokus, Dunsmuir, Metallica, Black Sabbath (I know, that list dates me, but you get the idea):

"New blood joins this Earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pain disgrace
The young boy learns their rules...

With time the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known

A vow unto his own
That never from this day
Never shined through what I've shown...

Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been...

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through what I've shown...

Never free
Never me
So I dub the unforgiven..."
(Nelson, Pinson, Boone)

There is one last little matter, and that's the rest of the photo:  the link to more photos is here.
