Not Lost in Towne

 I was wondering recently, whatever happened to the city of Claremont's complete streets plan for Towne Avenue, after-all it was more than two years ago that the plan was formally announced. Had they been lost in a shuffle of papers, I wondered? Had they been burned by a mob of pitchfork-wielding drivers bent on maintaining their speed along the corridor? I mean, there had not been any news, other than a bit in the Courier concerning the Claremont Safe Streets Coalition, in April. Curiosity finally got the best of me, and a quick search revealed that the period to submit bids had closed at the end of November! 

So the plan had not been burned, lost, nor forgotten. It is still alive and well, and moving forward. How exciting!

photo of a portion of the Foothill Boulevard complete street project (the Towne Avenue project is similar in many respects). Building the regional network continues.
