Monday Blues: I Rode It All Over Town

"I've got a bicycle, you know I ride it all over town...

Try my bicycle when you want your ride to last...

Well, would you ride in a Cadillac?
I like my bike much better than that!
Well, would you ride in a Chevrolet?
I'll take a bicycle any old day!
Well, would you ride in a V8 Ford?
Listen here mister, you're just making me bored!
Well, would you ride in my pick-up truck?
Well now honey, I'd much rather...
ride my bicycle. You know I ride it all over town..."

 Looking at the evidence at the crime scene, I'd posit that this is someone's stolen, and discarded bicycle. I don't believe any legal owner would suffer a mechanical, of any sort, and decide to just toss it in the grassy river bed beside a bike path (SGRT). A broken chain, a loose headset, a flat you can't fix might mean you walk, but that walkin' will be with your bike right beside you.

I don't know who is responsible for those lyrics, though the blues song is by Del Rey (not Lana), and the video (2011) is pretty fun.

The Monday Blues has been an occasional feature here at the blog since inception; the blues, an emotion, a color, a genre of music, with a cycling twist.
