The Dirty Chain Gang Rides: Unfamiliar Territory

"...Chicken truck chicken truck behind it I'm stuck
Chicken truck chicken truck it's just my luck chicken truck on Highway 65
Well the hens are a squakin' and the roosters are a crowin'
Slowin' me down when I need to get goin' chicken truck on Highway 65..."

I went through this country music period once't in ma life. I don't know why. I can make no sense of it anymore. Not a whole lot of that has stuck with me through the passing of years - Dwight Yokum, Emmylou Harris, and "Chicken Truck" by John Anderson.

Some days it just seems like you're that chicken truck a blockin' up the road, er... trail, as the case may be. Throw in the reality of a trail you haven't cast curses at, let alone laughed in the face of mayhem on, in more than a full cycle of seasons, thus making it nearly unfamiliar and... hmm, hmm. Choosing the wrong line and that decisions' resultant foot down seemed to be a reoccurring theme. Well anyway...

Good to kick up dirt again with the DCG - a couple extra Mikes and Michaels, Pete, Richard, Trish, Elizabeth, Roger, Oscar, Pamela who FB has finally decided bears no similarity to myself, Gary, John, Barry, and I believe that was everyone saddled up for some fun in the sun.

the sun was up to some mischief at the crossing known as Owen's Plunge

down, splash, up...


down, splash, up...



solo detour to the water tank...

left me with a quiet trail the rest of the way
