Slow Sunday Scenes: Pipers and Players, and Petals and Pedals
This day seemed worthy of so much more than four miles, the kind of day you do not want to see slip away. That is exactly what was happening though, before that last minute decision to visit the Village. I don't know about you, but i've always found it difficult to get stoked enough to contemplate four miles worth of a ride. I mean, what the heck can you do with four miles? As it turns out, quite a bit. You can hear bagpipers, both the familiar Scottish variety, and the less well-known Irish kind (Uilleann). You can hear the crack of a baseball against a bat at Alumni Field. You can taste some darned good coffee at a little pop-up coffee booth, or a green macha if that's your preference. You can see all kind of flowering trees - Redbuds and Bauhinias, and don't forget the Sycamores, breaking out in their finest Spring green. You can watch a game of baseball. You can watch a game of lacrosse, and heck, since one of the teams traveled all the way from Connecticut, you can even take the time to watch the game to its finish, glancing up from time to time to gaze in wide wonder at the snowy mountain peaks.
Four miles may not be much, but you can sure pack a lot into the distance, as short as it is, with very little effort.
curtsey from the lassie
0%? not if you can play Uilleann pipes
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