It's the Weekend: Red-eyed Grebe
No, i'm not calling you a red-eyed grebe, a red-eyed grebe is what i saw (many of them).
I stopped at one point... well, i mean i stopped at many points, but i stopped at this one point in particular because of the view over the lake to the illusory distant Joat. Down below, and off to the left i noticed some stables, and not being able to place them in any memory of the place, i wondered when the county had built them. I continued to stare at them for a few more seconds before sputtering "oh, that's weird, man" when i finally realized that those structures i thought were big enough to house a horse or a utility truck, were actually guardrails on either side of the road. I don't know what kind of trick my mind was playing on me, just as i don't know how felon4547 has managed to so thoroughly trick the magas, but i am grateful that the deception i experienced was of short duration. And, little by little we are beginning to see the magas realize their error of believing in the lying con and his duplicitous henchmen.
Okay, now that's out of the way for this post, so on with the weekend - the final race of the Winter Series at Southridge is on tap. If you find yourself around Bonelli Park, it seems to be fishing season - i don't believe i have ever seen so many fisher folk along the shore as i saw during this afternoon's ride. And look for the red-eyed grebes, or at least that's what i called them at the time; turns out i think their real name is Western Grebe - there are a whole passel of them in the reeds over by the swim beach. Oh, and though i didn't see any, the red-winged blackbirds are most definitely in the open overgrown area by the airfield; their shrill call is very distinct.
Whatever you do, have a great weekend, one and ALL (and yes, that is a jab).
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