Monday Blues: To Me, To Me

You following me now? It had only been about five minutes since I passed this raven, and his little buddy, the one perched atop the fence, the other wobbling around on the ground below. It was comical in some old black and white film sort of way. Laurel and Hardy maybe. Neither of them was the least bit perturbed as I rode up on them; I could have reached out, swerved just slightly and nabbed one had I wanted to - they were that close. But no, the one just sat that fence, while the other just wobbled back and forth; each slowly turned their respective heads as I passed, and I did the same in reverse motion. They're used to me by now, i guessed. I continued around the top portion of my loop, and came out through that gap in the fence. There was a new lake forming up there, not because it had been raining, not because there was still water flowing and making is way down from Mt Baldy. No, that little pond, reflecting an especially blue evening sky was forming because someone had forgotten to turn off the sprinklers. Well, if nothing else, the critters Out There are going to drink well tonight. Anyway, as I stopped to take the photo below, along comes raven, the same raven, followed shortly by the little buddy. The one took up a perch at the high point of the nearest digging machine. I figured i might as well be the first with a question, so you following me now? I didn't understand his answer, it just sounded like caw, caw, caw. That's when I realized, the two didn't remind me of Laurel and Hardy, they reminded me of this old Blackbeard movie, in which the real pirate captain kept an imposter of similar appearance close by; at the end of the film with the end nigh, the real Blackbeard told his doppelganger to gather the other pirate crew around him by shouting "to me, to me... to me!" Meanwhile, the real swashbuckler could make his escape. "Caw, caw, caw."

small blue pond beneath the big blue sky

solar angels along the trail

that time of year already - sun setting before the ride is done

The Monday Blues has been an occasional feature here at the blog since inception; the blues, an emotion, a color, a genre of music, with a cycling twist.
