Mind over Matter

 It has been pretty quiet Out There in the evenings lately. Not that I mind, mind you. Never mind the solitude - in my mind, the quiet is a good thing when I'm riding. Most of the time. Mind you, there is something to be said for sharing the ride, the trails too, which is just how it was last night. There I was rumbling down the longest of the single track sections when I was minded that sometimes there are others out there. Voices coming up the trail and, technically, since i was on the downhill side (or as much as downhill gets out there), i pulled over to let a string of six or seven riders pass on the up hill side. Trail etiquette, even out in the wash. Speaking of the trails, it seems like someone has been minding them (kind of like minding the store); for multiple weeks, if not months, it seemed like rocks had been sprouting all along the trails. It seems quite clear that, since just a few days ago, some of them have grown up and flown the coop, or at least been dug up and tossed aside. I don't necessarily mind that either.

The weekend starts later today, whatever you do, make it a good one!

Cooper's hawk? what's it looking at over there...

maybe all those little birds

hmmm, strange place to try and express your message

moon above trail

oof, i hope is wasn't a mountain biker bent that post like that. ouch.
