The Amatil [sic] Poppies

 According to the legend, Amatil, daughter of the village leader Matilija, was so distraught when her lover, Cocopah, was killed in battle, that she laid down on top of him and died herself. The flower that grew on the spot, with petals of pure white symbolizing their love, and the yellow center, the everlasting brilliance of that love, was what has come to be known as the Matilija Poppy (I know, it doesn't make sense to me either - seems like it should have been named the Amatil Poppy instead).

You can find Matilija Poppies blooming many places around town in the Spring, not least at the California Botanic Garden, but I always make some effort to ride through Pomona College where they grow along both sides of this dirt trail around the farm, and through the oak woodland. I was a little late this year, as they seemed to be past their prime. Ah well, it was still a good show.
