Made in the Shade

They are endemic Out There, everywhere you look really and, maybe, for that reason they just don't get the recognition, the credit they are due. With the exception some scattered Sambucus (which never seem to grow beside the trails, or roads anyway), the lone Oak, the Shoe Tree, and that one small Eucalyptus grove, those Rhus species - integrifolia and ovata - are the largest things growing and, on a morning (9:30) with sweat already stinging up my eyes, the roadside shade they provide is not to be taken for granted.

I may not always stop in the shade, but it's nice to have it there.


  1. Have you read Conversations With Trees by Stephanie Kaza? A lovely little book about special trees in her life. Hear you’re having a heat wave, so do stop in the shade! -K

    1. Well, I may look into it, though I usually only have conversations with the coyotes.


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