
Mostly, maybe invariably, you hear / read of Old Man Coyote - "old" being key, and it got me to thinking, to wonderin' if Old Man Coyote was ever anything else. For instance, and in particular, was he ever Young Man Coyote?

I am still yet to find any reference, any story, myth, tale, or legend in which he isn't "Old Man Coyote." I did discover one reference to "great-great-ever-so-great grandfather of Old Man Coyote, but even then he is still old. Sometimes Old Man Coyote has a beautiful young wife, but however young she may be, he is still "Old" Man Coyote.

The remainder of this post has nothing to do with Old Man Coyote, I had simply become interested in the idea of a Young Old Man Coyote, and thought it best to commit the idea to paper.

Anyway, it has been quite a good long while since last I have seen the familiar tint of Red Hugh Coyote, nor any other of his kin out there in the wash. It has been so long that it has become a matter of some concern. Is he still out there, just keepin' a low profile? Has he been trapped, killed, or otherwise become deceased? Has he simply moved on? I suppose the same questions apply to all the other coyotes that have called the wash home. I just haven't spotted hide nor hair of any for months now. Then, finally, last night while riding up along the channel, I spotted one just up ahead - it was clearly a young pup, yet old enough to be out away from the den on its own. It [she?] had big ol' ears - "the better to hear you with my precious" - and was curious about this two-wheeled intruder, yet cautious enough to skeedaddle when I made a charge for her after taking a couple pics.

What I noticed most, though, was a hint of red that caught a bit of the suns' rays when she turned from shadow into the light. I have no idea if Hugh is still around, or not, but it seems as though his progeny may be. The question now may be, did she also inherit Hugh's gift of gab as well as his coat?
