Monday Blues: Law Abiding

 So when exactly did "electric and e-assist permitted" come to be interpreted as "anything on two wheels" permitted. I swear, not a ride along the San Gabriel River Trail goes by anymore that there are not multiple infractions by people riding full-on motors. Not only were these three nuckleheads motoring along on their minibikes, belching noxious fumes for a hundred yards in their wake, but just a few minutes earlier a father / son duo, riding dirt bike motorcycles had passed by as well. How did the thought process behind the explanation for that go anyway - "gee son, motorcycles are not permitted on the bike path but, you know what, lets just go ahead anyway." Great example there dad!

The Monday Blues has been an occasional feature here at the blog since inception; the blues, an emotion, a color, a genre of music, with a cycling twist.
