Earth Day 2022

 Claremont celebrated Earth Day today with a scaled down version of what it has been in the past (understandable considering the damper the past two years have put on events). Never the less, the important civic organizations came out to spread their good word, people were engaged and, though the motor vehicle traffic was the cluster-you-know-what that it always seems to be on Sunday mornings in the Village (i don't see EVs helping with that one little bit), there were plenty of people choosing to arrive by bike, and the racks all around were full to overflowing. 

a typical line up of single occupant vehicles and the space they require - uggh

The Earth was colorfully celebrating during my dirt ride before hand:

colorful Penstemon

colorful something

colorful Elderberry

already brown, I wasn't expecting that

colorful bee hives on a nearby hillside
