From the Library: Bicycle / Race

 In Bicycle / Race Adonia Lugo presents us with an examination of bicycle advocacy through the roles she has played, the positions she has held within various organizations around the country. Her's is a perspective shaped by gender and ethnicity. Lugo's background and the methodologies she employs to the study of advocacy has led her to conclude that past and current efforts at bicycle advocacy have been hampered by a one-dimensional perspective that essentially fails to recognize the needs of entire groups of riders, particularly those who ride out of necessity. The message is that one-size advocacy does not fit everyone. If the considerations of people of color have been largely been pushed away from transportation discussions before, say a couple decades ago, it is partly through the efforts of people, like the author, that they have been brought back to the table. Have those efforts been enough to overcome the obstacles...?

 Lugo, Adonia E.   Bicycle / Race: Transportation, Culture, & Resistance   Portland, OR: Microcosm Publishing, 2018
